
I’m back in tacos today, which is a nice way to start the week. And upon arriving at the office I found a new food truck [fig 1]. While the humble hog may not be as versatile a fruit as the noble taco I am very happy to have had a cuban, and to have possibly started a new food truck relationship. Tomorrow there might be fried chicken, which is enough reason to go in for an hour, and if I go into the office two days in a row I don’t have to go on the third**. So everything is coming up Milhouse.

I’m gonna take this first day back in the office to deal with all the personal things I didn’t do during vacation. See if I can’t get Melissa and Ben and Edward Jones and everyone else who called squared away before I go home. Someone of those won’t be done today but I can at least advance them all to “current”. Shanda is out with B tonight so I’ve got lots of time, but I also need to get home to Rev – I like that dog is a good excuse to leave the office on time.

Shanda has been stressed out for a couple of days about B’s recent interactions with B’s family, wherein they’re treating them poorly after a long history of treating them poorly. I’ve watched Shanda’s reactions without knowing what they were about, but couldn’t prompt her in the right way to make it something we could share. Last night she did talk about it, when I framed it in terms of trying to isolate different parts of her life. While not entirely uncommon B’s family’s behavior is clearly unacceptable. And I think it’s important that Shanda understand it that way even if B won’t or can’t, because Shanda needs to keep her own shit together with respect to being treated poorly by family. Even forth-party the dynamic feels troublesome to me given that no one is interested in improving it or reducing its frequency, but maybe Shanda and B can help each other with it.

Left Rev in his crate and home alone for a little bit today. He drowned his squeaky toy in his water bowl while I was out, and was a little whinny when I came home, but mostly he seemed okay. He pulled the toy out of the water as soon as I opened the crate, but then just dropped it again. I wonder what he thinks it means.

I stared into Rev’s eyes today and not for the first time read disappointment — which is to say I looked at his expressionless, inhumane face and projected my own understanding of myself from what I imagine as his PoV* — and it occurred to me that I should probably stop conflating people paying attention to me with them being disappointed in or otherwise upset with me. Or at least that I should stop doing it to the dog; he wants to pay attention to me 24/7, and it’s not because he’s unendingly disappointed.

Shanda got us to the next step with the Hauser debt situation. I’m not sure yet if it’s a step toward me not paying, but it’s a least closer to resolution. I could use some resolution.


*This is essentially the service you provide as non-interactive readers of the screed. But you’re not as dependent on me as Rev is, so presumably the ways in which I disappoint you aren’t as harmful.

**Like most rules there is no basis for this rule. Like all rules it is inherently unjust. I will still probably stay home on Friday.