Unceeded Ancestoral Lands – Fighting White Supremacy with Patriarchy

Went all week with only 2 SRs. Then I got 7 linux kernel cases in Friday afternoon. So I’ve got a ton of SRs again. I think I can kill a bunch of them as irrelevant to us, but it’s not the best Friday, and will mean I have to find some time tomorrow if I want to keep my Monday plans. I could use a down day but I suspect that will be hard to get until Cassie leaves, so getting day job done to let me skip next week is an okay plan B.

Did robots, though quite late because of the SRs. Took took apart things and talked about YouTubes where they take apart things. Planed for improvements we can make both in process for next year and in practice for this robot. I think I convinced S to blue themselves for the state competition. I still haven’t figure out what I want to do. My brain has pondered an electric leaf blower but that’s definitely not a project for this round.

It’s real hard for me to deal with activities that remind me of smothering. As one might guess. But I’ve spent a long time telling myself that I just have to deal with it to get dental care. Sure, fill my mouth with algenate and I’ll just hold it there for almost twice as long as it’s comfortable to hold my breath. It won’t be a problem for me at all, reliving my filicide experience. So I should take that more seriously. It would probably make the dentist 1I’m still annoyed that the dental practice I had been using was bought by a sales dick. Finding a new place always sucks. easier.

My ancient landlord died late last year, at nearly 105 years. So now her son will be offended when I don’t offer him too much money for the house he neglected for a decade but hoarded in the hope it would be worth more money later (that I specifically would give him more money later). Probably nothing changes in the next few months, but I think in less than a year he’ll be ready to sell and want us buying or out. I’m already ready to move 2And not just in the way I’m always prepared to flee. I mean I picked out places I’d like to live and tried to get other people excited about it. More than one of you said you’d be interested in looking at and/or talking about properties with me, but you’ve got mixed feels about it and it has yet to happen.. It’s still real hard for Shanda to think about, just like it has been since you were 6. But we’ve got to do it, and I don’t want to do it alone anymore. I don’t want to be responsible for making sure you never have to think about it. It’s too much to ask that you never notice the changes that our lives must and should include. I can fake lots of things, often to everyone’s benefit, but I can’t hide the fact that we moved. At least not for very long.

I am sort of exited to move someplace where I can more arbitraily move around walls and whatnot. To live someplace where I can buld a package trap. Somewhere within a few blocks of the train and a flat walk to groceries. Somewhere where I don’t have to deal with patchwork repairs to important parts of my failing local infrastructure. Someplace with less rich people.

I would prefer not to participate in real estate at all, but that position has been illegal since colonialism and untenable since kingdoms. So I guess my goal is just not to hurt others or myself too badly with the parts I control. It will help when I can get Shanda on board and run this as a heist instead of as a secret chore.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 I’m still annoyed that the dental practice I had been using was bought by a sales dick. Finding a new place always sucks.
2 And not just in the way I’m always prepared to flee. I mean I picked out places I’d like to live and tried to get other people excited about it. More than one of you said you’d be interested in looking at and/or talking about properties with me, but you’ve got mixed feels about it and it has yet to happen.