
I was up far too late last night not sleeping, but I did manage to get off the sugar coma plan. I tried Sunday night but it didn’t take. This morning was rough for the lack of sleep but I did make it to the office early and went to all my meetings. And then I rushed home to zone out for a while, but I think it’s still moving toward balance.

Made some progress in the SR backlog, enough to feel like I might be able to crawl out from under it still this week. A bunch of them could be reduced to yes/no questions I could make someone else answer, so those will be easy to close. And I sent a bunch of emails asking for help with several other projects to get those moving again. Someone tried to dump the perf bug back at me today but I think I successfully repelled it, at least for the moment.

I pushed Shanda through some avoidance tonight, which is always a bit painful. But it’s also hard when she feels like she doesn’t have control — while the avoidance is happening — and the deadline is literally tomorrow so it had to be done in any case. We got there, and things are better for it, but I wish we didn’t have to come out with bruises.

Moving Rev back off the kangaroo food. He hated it, it stank, and it wasn’t any better for his irritation than the hydrolyzed stuff. Worse in fact if you count the gas. So we’re back to the greasy stuff he likes, which will be a great help at training tomorrow. I hope Shanda is well enough to go with me this week — if dog is going to be twitchy for 90 minutes straight it’s nice to have a second person around to share the load.

I’m taking Monday and Tuesday off next week. In part to aid in my general recovery; I’m feeling better but life has been hard and I could use some extra down time. In part to deal with the fact that I’m busy all weekend, with driving and social events Friday-Sunday, at least assuming Brian shows up. And in part as a dodge to help ensure I don’t pick up that perf bug again. There’s more activity on it than I’d like, even after-hours, and being preemptively unavailable will help me avoid it.

I was thinking I need to get back to thinking about more people; my circle has gotten a bit small in recent days, even as I keep up on events. It’s one of the reasons The Screed doesn’t quite fit lately. So I browsed RBN for a while and sent a bunch of replies. Yelling advise about how to escape your parents at strangers on the Internet is sort of like thinking about other people. And they reply more often than you’d think, which — accurately or otherwise — makes me feel like I might be helping.

I’m still not quite all here, but today I feel like the parts I’m missing are smaller than the parts I’ve got back in order. There are still things I can’t quite work into text, or that I’m afraid to, but now I can see what they are instead of just feeling their absence. Another couple tolerable days and maybe a new window pane and I’ll have to find something other than not talking to talk about.