
Shanda called the asterisks I use as footnote symbols “stars for later”. I imagine them more as inline text with an aside context, but the name is pretty adorable.

Got the S bug refilled as a config issue for someone else and asked the tester to reverify* using CLI config only. Should finally get that one off my plate for good. I got the test scheduled for the MN bug to square that away. I was going to sign off for Q but it turns out I don’t I know to find bugs for Q so I can’t run any reports. But that’s a good enough reason to be done with it for the day.

My Edward Jones drone came by today and reminded me that he’d feel better if I saved more money and let him have a bigger commission. All I need him to do is let the computer rebalance my positions every few months but it’s just impossible to keep him away, and there’s no way to buy in at low transaction costs without someone like him. He tells me about how in 30 years I could be rich enough to help people and when I die someone else can be rich, but I’ve got people to help today and I don’t care about what happens when I’m dead. Did you know he’s not accepting any new customers because he’s too busy. Unless they’re rich, in which case he isn’t too busy. #LateStageCapitalism.

Dog continues to be adorable with his duck. We got a couple more plush toys delivered today which was very exciting for a minute, but they went directly into the closet so duck was quickly back on top. See [fig 1,2].

Looked at the pile of tools and supplies that covers most of my living room and decided we need to actually finish some of these projects and repairs. We got derailed with vacation and never got back to it. An hour or two of work would probably finish all of the outstanding tasks. Maybe we can make B hold us accountable this weekend.

Talked to DerbyK for the first time a while. Got a big update about their life. I live-shouted reactions while they summarized months at a time, so obviously I provided really thoughtful listening and subtle commentary. Or maybe I started with “Fuck him”, but I feel like eventually the story caught up with me prejudices. They reassured me that some people actually want to hear about my life, and that they feel capable of disengaging when they want to. So I pasted* a bunch of screeds at them.

Lawyer call tomorrow for the H debt, and the the first robots meeting tomorrow afternoon. I’m a little nervous about both though neither is likely to require much of me. I will have to start on a plan for a parents meeting though. And it’s enough meetings to keep me from getting much of my day job done.

Ben reappeared today. He says the Internet is still flaky. I’m not sure what the problem could be other than bad alignment but it’s hard to say from here. I’d sort of like to go up again just to get it finished so I can stop worrying about it. Plus he’s overdue on cookies.


*Someday they will accept email, but today is not that day.

Sent from a phone.