Temecula Tuesday

Things were more talky today. Which is better than less. Maybe even useful talking; I think closer to where we need to be. It’s hard to tell on the scale of half a day, but it’s at least calmer, and there’s more attention to things that feel like they matter. Maybe tomorrow we’ll keep moving in the same direction. Maybe tomorrow we can start The First Law together so I can share my fantasy-setting Mr. Robot and its deconstructed PoV characters.

Accomplished enough day job today to (mostly) not fall behind, but that’s about it. I really need to take a look at the SSH bug tonight; I should have started earlier but even just starting tonight will be better than I’ve done with it for a while. But it’s gonna wait until Shanda is in bed because I would like to see her for a bit when she gets home tonight. I’m good on SRs — and finally back off the queue for a week or so – and good with approvals and whatnot. My boss is still out until the end of the week so I only need a little luck to make it until Friday afternoon without any new big issues. Fingers fucking crossed.

Mostly I spent the day trying to keep myself from feeling less capable and more behind, which mostly I achieved. I ate real lunch at lunch time and I’ve got plans for real supper. I had a shower and walked the dog. Emailed KTuck and even spent some time working on a mechanical project. No drugs, no Rimworld (though I hope maybe this weekend), and no distraction TV1I did browse enough Twitter to find this: https://m.soundcloud.com/n04hmusic/a-hakendrick-lamar-take-on-backseat-mashup. Had enough time with Shanda to feel like we’re people together. Felt mildly ill for the first half of the day but that’s not unexpected after a 5 AM night. So not a banner day for accomplishment but not bad for a day when I could have been in Canada.

So there’s not much The Screed today. But I’m gonna call that progress too, at least in the context of this week. And we’re on track to have all the homework submissions in this week, so I can probably pad out future issues with other people’s work to help make up the difference.


Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 I did browse enough Twitter to find this: https://m.soundcloud.com/n04hmusic/a-hakendrick-lamar-take-on-backseat-mashup