Same-Day Travel

I’m headed Cleveland today. Also the landlord is coming tomorrow, I’m supposed to sign for a house on Wednesday. Dog is maybe starting chemo on Thursday. Cowboy is moving. And I’ve got like 15 SRs in my personal queue. It’s a busy week.

I’m in Cleveland because M called and asked for help. A thing I’m supe proud of you for doing. You wouldn’t have in the past, and it’s so good that you can now. It also makes me feel really loved, to know that you think having me around might help. It’s very hard for me to feel that way, or to believe there can be attachment in my life, and I’m so glad that you prove me wrong.

Things are tough right now but not hopeless, and you’re doing so much to make it be different. I know it feels like everything is uncertain and nothing will ever be good enough, but I have every confidence in you. You’re already good enough and I will endeavor to help you feel that way.

Other things are mostly just the logistics of life piling up while we are too busy. The house should be almost done baking, assuming we can work out the signing. Apparently it’s 1826 in mortgage loans and someone thinks that seperate counter-signed documents won’t be acceptable for some reason. But once that gets worked out it should just be a handful of days.

Dog is doing fine but need him to be cleared to go back to his normal meds, and we want to see if there’s any worthwhile treatment for his new cancer. He is unlikely to die before I am back, but being in Ohio makes me worry about him being gone. Last time I was here he ran into the woods for days, and with him dying and me being back here it’s easy to let my feels take there.

I am full of other feels today, but far too tired to bake a cool story with them. I work up today just 2 hours after I had gotten to sleep. Then rushed to make a flight and spent 7 hours sealed in a tube with people who can’t wear a mask correctly. They’ll pop out though, when my brain gets some space back. For today you should know that I’m so happy to be here, even though things are a little hard, even if I can keep my brain pointed at the same thing did 4 minutes in a row, it’s still exactly where I want to be.


Sent from a phone.