• Targeted Motion

    Today I spent literally hours being transferred back and forth trying to figure out why CenturyQwest did not install my Interwebs the day before. I never did get a reason but I eventually got someone to promise me that if I waited a week they would disappoint me again. Otherwise the new house side of things went well. Got a bed delivered and eventually wrangled up to the secret second story. Got junk haulers out to collect things the last occupant couldn’t say goodbye to and bagged up all the stuff they wouldn’t take 1I am 100% for the plan where we don’t put hazardous waste into the buried/burned/recycled trash…

  • Irrational Attachment

    This is from last week. I didn’t think it was a Screed when I sent it, but it’s good writing and I want to give you the feels. It’s also a callback to the early days, when this channel was mostly things I wrote to a specific “you” and only later decided to share. — It’s easy for people from our neighborhood to feel like the thing they need to be secure is some sort of proof that the good relationships they have now will last forever unchanged. Which is some ways is very reasonable, and not a lot different than the way that people from other places build their…

  • Days Have Sizes?

    Today was a big day. I bought a house 1Though it’s a little anticlimactic since I’m thousands of miles away from it.. M got a driver’s permit 2After working past some big barriers.. Shanda got an allergy test 3Also after working past some big barriers.. Dog got his first round of chemo 4He’s still gonna die in a few months, but this should help keep him from unpredictable internal bleeding, so he doesn’t have to die in pain and panic.. I also got to show off M arts in HA4H 5Which was really exciting. It can be really hard for me to feel like I’m allowed pride in other people,…

  • Same-Day Travel

    I’m headed Cleveland today. Also the landlord is coming tomorrow, I’m supposed to sign for a house on Wednesday. Dog is maybe starting chemo on Thursday. Cowboy is moving. And I’ve got like 15 SRs in my personal queue. It’s a busy week. I’m in Cleveland because M called and asked for help. A thing I’m supe proud of you for doing. You wouldn’t have in the past, and it’s so good that you can now. It also makes me feel really loved, to know that you think having me around might help. It’s very hard for me to feel that way, or to believe there can be attachment in…

  • Rolling Rapters

    Dog is doing well. Better than before he was in the hospital honestly, at least in terms of pain and interest in play. So maybe that spleen was really slowing him down. We’re still waiting to talk to someone about his extra cancer – appointment on Thursday. DerbyK is doing well too, deciding to ask other people to believe in their fantasy. Frustrated perhaps by the global death in terms of specific plans, but only delayed not denied. I know you’ll have to think small for the first round but I have ideas for how to do round 2. M isn’t as well, which is always sad. Good job putting…

  • Closing, Clothing, Cloistered Clown

    Dog is home and after a couple of days of being an opioid addict he seems to be doing okay. He’s not supposed to leave the house for another few days, and he still only has the energy for a few minutes of snuffling, but he is mostly back to normal. They continue to report more cancer, but I’m still not sure if it makes any difference. Hopefully someone can provide more insight when we take him back in for surgical followup. Dog had his whole stomach shaved for the surgery. It’s not a great look for him. It takes him a long time to grow back both layers, and…

  • Motivated Mayhem

    The Runaways (2010) is a movie about the blonde chick Joan Jett used to hang out with 1Cherie Currie actually wrote the book this movie is based on, and was the lead singer in one of the first widely popular all-female rock bands. So I have all the respects. But I think she’d make this same joke. before she was in a good band. In it Kristen Stewart uses queerness and cigarettes to be cooler than everyone else. I assume that’s what real-life Joan Jett does too. Michael Shannon does what appears to be a feature-length Bill Hader sketch about a music producer. Dakota Fanning features heavily in the cover…

  • Interior Sand Castles

    Dog had a beach day, which he seemed to like. The sound is a little cold but he goes back and forth between swimming and eatting barnacles. Water is the only place he will do fetch activities. Even there he isn’t doing chase play – he watches you throw, watches it fly, sees where it lands, decides if he wants it, then tromps out to get it. He also won’t drop it until he’s back out of the water, no matter where you stand. It’s like nobody taught him how to dog. He also apparently ate a rock 1After pulling it out the official word is a crab shell and…

  • Time

    Here’s a real sad story about time and the psychological torture of children. So skip it if that’s not for you. As I’ve noted before, l was moved out to an outdoor porch when I was 5, and I was often locked outside the house in that tiny shed. There was nothing in this room other than my bed and a 20W light bulb I had been warned must last until I moved out, so in addition to being alone and without access to water or hygiene or heat or physical security or human connection I was often expected to entertain myself without external tools or props for long periods.…

  • Lordship

    Life has been complicated but I think it’s time for screeding again. Let’s see how it goes. Landlords are terrible. I know this isn’t news to anyone who has ever heard of a landlord, but I have spent the last decade bribing mine to leave me alone and am super annoyed now that they feel entitled to harass me again. I have been supporting my landlord’s family for 9 years now, for about $300k. I paid for their mother’s end-of-life care. But she’s dead now (at 105 years), and so he doesn’t need me anymore. What they think they need now of about $1M than I’ve already given him, paid…