• Unrealized Dreams

    Here’s a thing you should do with me – wear a piece of clothing that your brain says isn’t for you or isn’t for the situation. Something you own but don’t wear, or only wear on specific occasions. Something that’s too for you to be quite comfortable wearing in daily life. It will be slightly scarey. Choose to wear it anyway, not in spite of your fear but because of it. Maybe that green dress you love but never wear. Share with me the feels of trying a new costume for day. And send pictures, if you’re up for it. For reals. All of you. It’s a dress-up day and…

  • Darning and the Mending of Souls

    Last time I bought extracts I had the vendor rank them by what he called “active-ness” and what I would call “anxiety”. I got one in the middle and one way off on the left end — something so THC-A heavy it’s a little silly. It’s probably mostly useful for mixing but I tried some straight on Friday. It’s good, but you really do have to be ready to burn off some of the twitch it brings. I used it to walk the dog and imagine new ways to worry about people, which I think went pretty well. I had expected to do that early on Friday, maybe 3 or…

  • Personal Responsibility

    Shanda had lots of therapy feels today. They still aren’t out yet. Something about feeling validated by C-PTSD descriptions but simultaneously motivated to deny your own pain. One of those things all victims of trauma say, about how theirs doesn’t count because someone theoretically had it worse. We’ll see how that feeling shakes out as you process it. But for now known that I see it’s hard, and I think it’s fine for you to have this feeling and that it will be okay. I also know, from painful experience, that there is no such thing as a better or worse trauma. There’s trauma that was singular and trauma that…

  • Many Partings

    Penelope died today. M’s first pet, or at least the first one in your own home. A long overdue friend in a life that had kept you so isolated. And for a while my pet too, just a couple of months after Dog became my first furry friend. A tiny fuzzball to hold while I was away from Dog, while he was lost in the woods on the other side of the country. Penny was a rodent of special magnificence, at least to us. I know she was a catalyst for your healing and invested with so much of your care and attention. Everyone loves their pets of course, but…

  • Forceful Fungi

    I expected Skyward (Brandon Sanderson) to be good, and it was recommended by @ViHart, but it still surprised me. It’s about the oppression of young people and the systems we build to allow it. To require it. It’s about how oppression hurts people on both sides of the line, albeit in different ways. It’s about the programming we use to create these differences and the way enforcement punishes non-compliance instead of promoting justice. It’s about the definition of humanity, of free will, and of cowardice. It’s about the pain and power of tradition. It’s got a central metaphor about geology and freedom and isolation (which fits both my Jemisin mood…

  • Nameday Nomenclature

    I made plans with C from D&D, to help with their robot. They’ve got to program a kit for some class they’re in. I was imagining having Friday off this weekend, or maybe going in to the office to label all my stuff for the weekend move. But we’ll give this a shot instead. C seems nice enough and robots is what I usually do on Fridays, so it will probably be fine. Saw DerbyK feeling angry and scared and frustrated about their civil court involvement. Which is the correct response to almost any civil court case, and definitely what you’d expect here. Your adversary is using the court system…

  • Undisguised Uneasiness

    Played D&D today. Well, mostly had the GM whine about the non-currency wealth system he wants to use in their game. It’s bad enough that Shanda flat out refuses to care how it works. I technically know, at least in many instances, but I wholeheartedly agree that it makes no sense and isn’t worth having. And philosophize about how strict adherence to labour relationships makes “capitalism” work in their murder-hobo-driven economy. I mean, I’m all for ending wage theft, but I don’t think capitalists would be. Although if we made murder-hobo a real job there probably wouldn’t be a lot of real capitalists left. They made it difficult to obtain…

  • Individually Frosted Eyes

    One reason I can’t make recent episodes go is because I’ve got lots of side comms. Complicated individual correspondence that occupies the same brain space. Which is good, overall, even if it cuts in here a bit. And there’s the maladaptive learning thing I can’t quite write yet, holding on to some of that space too. So I have a fair deal of diverted attention. It makes me feel stuck sometimes, to not be offering distilled revelation. But I shouldn’t imagine this is the only place I need to do that, or that it’s the only reason I work here. I worry sometimes that missing today’s lesson means I lost…

  • It’s Not Me, It’s You

    Work was okay today. My SR won’t quite stay down but I think I know how to beat it back for another day or two. I failed to send out my RB because testing was slow but once I get the results back it’s just one click to submit. And I still need to do my MBOs but I think I can knock those out tonight. I did make my noon meeting, for the first time in like two weeks. And I got my phone converted to a compromise email solution that will continue to work with their new MS-only plan without requiring me to give up control of my…

  • There is No Spoon

    Watched @MMF tell me about The Stupids (1996): https://youtu.be/4VBD62OTfnU She has a long history at Cracked of caring about movies for intensely personal reasons, and this one is on her list. But she also has a strong take on it in more relatable terms. It’s not the same sort of in-depth long-form analysis she did for Sorry to Bother You (2016) but it’s still good. And in the middle she takes a minute just to talk about color, the way this movie decides it’s a thing in a way many movies don’t, and her own engagement with color (including a bunch of shots of her in vivid makeup). I’m glad…