Happy Hairless Heretic

Finally, time off. I left work before 1 PM* and won’t go back until Friday. Even that’s just an accounting trick to let me catch up on email before I ditch early for robots. And Shanda is off with me. They even finally see, almost a month too late, the value in dedicating some time to recovery. And so I have high hopes.

Learned that alive and sorry are two important things. I like one of those more than the other, but I’m mostly just glad to have the attention. It sounds tough to be someplace where those are both high priorities; not sure I can do anything to help but I’m going to try.

Tried last night to craft a happy surprise, which I see generally worked. I’m a big fan of happy surprises – in no small part because I don’t have to be around when the recognition is happening. When it works It feels like the care of unselfish attention to me, and I hope that’s something I share.

Dog seemed clamer today, after some pretty vocal (read: anxious) days. I’m sure it’s because we worked all day to reduce tension. So less a leading indicator than a trailing one, but positive either way. It will be nice to get back to a life where Shanda and Dog and I can all be together in a room with talking but no barking.

Played Return of the Obra Dunn with Shanda. It’s got a really artful monochrome raster system on top of a 3D world. The look makes me feel like I’m winning PT-109 or a HyerCard stack on the Mac Plus, but animated. The game itself is just a logic puzzle with relationships presented in cut scenes. We stalled out when the logic game started to sound like disapproval but had fun until then. And tomorrow I’m hoping for some more Rimworld while Shanda is out. Or maybe some more Periwinkle.

Had some Pudge Brothers and weed this afternoon, which is always a winning combination. Their pizza is pretty good in general – in my opinion as a pizza snob – but it’s excellent high food. And good leftovers for low effort food while we’re off.

Added these [fig 1,2] to my collection today. I like them both quite a bit but I’m not sure how to catalog them yet. The blue ones were deemed robot party eyes but that was at a time when I only owned one set of non-human-like eyes so I wasn’t worried about nomenclature. The white ones are slightly impractical but they’re more a hazard to reading than navigation, and should be disturbing enough to be well worth that cost. I’m also excited to have a range of choices from heterochromia to Tygarean and anime to snow blind.


*I even left in good stead, with all my SRs up to date (mostly resolved), my bug finally approved for merge, my TMA done and progress on the PortSmash response.
Sent from a phone.