
Feeling like crap today and I’m too tired too. I’d love to wave off but there are too many things that require my personal and immediate attention. Just another 9 hours or so before I can collapse. Maybe I can skip my day job to take a nap between meetings.

Lawyer call didn’t happen. He didn’t pick up or call back after several attempts. I’m a little glad to not have to deal with it today but also annoyed that I’ll have to deal with it again later, and that I got up and skipped other things to try to do it this morning.

And then it did happen, literally 5 minutes before I wanted to leave for robots, so I was able to maintain my long standing tradition of being late to school. It sounds like the lawyer will be able to help. He thought we had a pretty decent case, and I could go for that.

I did rest in the middle of the day. I told work I wasn’t so I was able to at least have a little downtime after the lawyer non-call. I’m sure I’ll have twice as much to do on Monday but it’s a trade I was willing to make today.

Robots went fairly well. Mostly boring meeting but that’s about all I was up for anyway – thinking and standing both seem hard today. Robot meetings often feel about 40% too formal, but I sort of feel that way about everything so it’s probably just me. Well me and the C brothers, who are right on board with the idea that “responsibile people” aren’t really part of our team and implying that one will help with the robots is misleading.

I used to not care that it was new people at robots every year, but it was a bit sad today with many people I didn’t know, and doing old things again without the people I did. I know that’s nothing profound but it’s new to me, the idea that the same people might be in my life for more than a few years. It was nice to see S again though, and he came over to meet my dog afterward. I also think I talked D into doing most of the parents meeting prework, which would be real handy if it takes.

Talked to DerbyK some more, about how “oversharing” is mostly an excuse people use when your life makes them uncomfortable – a claim that you’re wrong for making them think about things they’d prefer to ignore. I prefer that understanding over the one where I’m too broken to be allowed to speak about my experiences in public. Or the one where we’re all only allowed to talk about banal things with people who don’t really want to know us.

DerbyK even talked the content of a screed. They’re putting the rest of you guys to shame. I shouldn’t complain; Dave indicated this morning that he was getting these messages, mere weeks after he started getting them. Which is right on schedule for Dave. I’m sure he was waiting for me to be sufficiently cute before letting me know he was paying attention. Standard dating rules apply.

Got a slice of comfort from M this afternoon, at least in terms of practical preparation. I’m still a little worried about them, and about the costs of isolation. But maybe that’s just me projecting. I’m going to keep sending story hooks though, in case I’m not.

B is over tonight, with a new tattoo. I maintain that the explicit permanence1Permanence is a thing we promise to people when the world clearly needs a change but no one wants to make it happen. Instead we reason something like: too much change is hard, so less change must be better, so the unkeepable promise of “forever” must be best. It’s a word they throw around a lot in dependency court. And for me it … Continue reading of a tattoo is a misunderstanding of human personality, but I am a fan of body art. They’ve got a cool wrist design that I think ought to be conductive so they could add some LEDs. Shanda thinks tattooing the side of her head would be cool but I hope she picks something we can change more often. I’d much rather learn to paint the side of her head twice a week than have it full of something she isn’t excited about anymore.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 Permanence is a thing we promise to people when the world clearly needs a change but no one wants to make it happen. Instead we reason something like: too much change is hard, so less change must be better, so the unkeepable promise of “forever” must be best. It’s a word they throw around a lot in dependency court. And for me it seems just like the promise of a static, perfect heaven – it’s only perfect from the point of view of the patriarch who feels entitled to dictate what other people should want based in nothing other than their assigned role. Permanent means things can never get better. I prefer processes that includes a maintenance plan.