Definitely Exploded

The bleed-off wasn’t fast enough – M’s leak tore wide open. You’re in the hospital for a few days and I’m headed out to see if I can help. Or maybe just to feel like I’m doing something, because sitting here being heartbroken is not a good time.

I’m so worried that you’ll feel there’s no option but to immediately return to the same insanity. Or that if you don’t recover instantly you’ll feel knocked unrecoverably off your Plan and submit to disappointment. Or that you’ll feel limited to options you don’t like, like giving up school or depending on your mother. Or that I’ll never get another taco.

I’m worried about your mother making decisions and trying to use the power of the school or hospital to enforce them. Or that she’ll stand around verbally abusing you all day and get away with it because of her own patriarchal privilege and your disepowered state. But I’m coming in part because I think I can ensure neither of those are tolerated.

They’ve restricted your comms1Which did let me talk to USB-EGG (and learn their name, though in my heart they will always be Eggsy). They say such thoughtful things about about both you and me. I’m glad they’re around to help., so you won’t even get to read this. But I’ll see you soon.

Other things happened since I last spoke to all of you, but none of them seem very important today.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 Which did let me talk to USB-EGG (and learn their name, though in my heart they will always be Eggsy). They say such thoughtful things about about both you and me. I’m glad they’re around to help.