Closing, Clothing, Cloistered Clown

Dog is home and after a couple of days of being an opioid addict he seems to be doing okay. He’s not supposed to leave the house for another few days, and he still only has the energy for a few minutes of snuffling, but he is mostly back to normal.

They continue to report more cancer, but I’m still not sure if it makes any difference. Hopefully someone can provide more insight when we take him back in for surgical followup.

Dog had his whole stomach shaved for the surgery. It’s not a great look for him. It takes him a long time to grow back both layers, and it’s bad for his temperature regulation. He has already spent months with poodle legs, shaved for IVs, and a paint dot shaved spot on his skull. I hope we can be done with shaving. It’s already too late for it to grow back before he dies.

Which means he can probably never go back into the cold ocean – that was our plan for a last trip before we murder him.

I will miss his beard. It’s so much whiter and denser than mine, and it never gets scruffy.

Watched No Good Deed (2002), which was in the collection as a Millia Jovovich film. It’s from a hard time for movies, but it contains some classic Samuel L, and it does several of the things it sets out to. It’s both a heist film and noir investigation piece. The dialog is terrible and the symbols are stilted and the story doesn’t really work. But I actually feel like it does 77% of what it intened. The noir is recognizable and not without style, if a bit poorly matched to the heist. The heist has no substance but gives us a view on the skill and methods of the mastermind. The characters were self-consistent if a bit arch. The cello sex is… thankfully fairly short. Don’t bother seeing it without a reason, but you could do worse.

House is getting close to being a thing. They have at least stopped arguing about my dead name and dead grandmother and submitted for underwriting. It would be great to stop having 9 phone calls and 30 emails a week about a thing that is literally just state-mandated-standard forms and some dick waving about capitalism.

I found a new textbook for my therapist and they have agreed to at least read and talk about a specific chapter. Which feels like great success to me, because I also found a chapter that will further my argument. We’ll see how that goes. I may try train my therapist to be more useful. Or at least less afraid – I could really stand to have a life where fewer people were afraid of me or my life.

I’ve been having trouble feeling like I ought to wear my “good” clothes. There are lots of reasons for that, but a couple that are prominent this round are the idea that my life is too rough for delicate fabrics – that I should only wear things that would stand up being homeless. Another is that I should preserve the “good” clothes against future need, or for use as a costume when I need to impersonate a human. I’m working on it, though mostly alone, since Shanda has her own clothes trauma.

Day job is actually mostly fine, at least insofar as the whole place is chaos and so my lack of work goes unnoticed. Office in chaos is actually a good look for me. I am on the queue every other week for a while but if I can kick out some of what I have now it should be tolerable, and should be enough cover that I never have to do anything except SRs and releases for the next 4 weeks or so.


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