All’s Well that Ends Well: Punes as Art

Spent far too long on Saturday doing day job. But I did close 7 SRs before the end of the quarter, which is great. Had a good evening though, after Shanda got home. Didn’t get much else done but did get to relax.

Had some really good cheesesteak-like food, with only a small amount of no-recipe panic from Shanda. It was delicious and just made from things we had and with very low effort. I can help us make more such things if you agree to not hate me for improvising.

There was still lots of being distracted this weekend. We’re not at the same insane level of stress that has been seen recently, but it’s still hard to choose to have the feels instead of run away from them. Progress I think but still unsteady.

Made plans for costume design and assembly. I’ve got lots of complicated experiences with costume. I love it, but it’s also got survival fears attached. And it reminds me that I feel shitty about sewing. But it won’t ever be different unless I do something to make it different, so I’m working on a bespoke animation costume with a 10-year-old. With some luck I’ll be able to build something fun for myself too.

Watched a movie today with Shanda and you actually had feels about it at me in near real time. It was real good. Sometimes I feel like you can’t see the effort I put into choosing movies for you, or you don’t really believe I can do it with movies I haven’t seen. But I picked a good one today, and 6 years ago when I bought it as a region 2 import. It was just the right feels to get you going on your 12-year-old feels about sex and neglect and clothes. And I hope something you can share with other people.

Had a nice call today. Was sorry to hear that you’ll have a big chunk of delayed decision in your week. Try not to get stuck there if you can – the waiting is hard but it’s worse if you hold your breath the whole time. I eventually heard the part where you tried to reassure me that you felt and liked a routine. I yell about routine but I have trouble imagining that it applies to me. It’s not for me, having something reliable and calming in my life, or at least that’s what my brain shouts.

Skipped robots to do a day with Shanda, after lots of days where together felt hard. It worked this time, with moderate effort. We had to work at it but eventually you were with me and with yourself instead of being away, distracted, busy, tired, in pain.

Got the studio space much better organized this weekend, and actually used it. Not quite together and with terrible music, but used it side by side and on creative projects. It needs better lighting but otherwise it was good, and I’m motivated to do more work on it and in it.

Finished iZombie. They closed with a heist episode to set up the finale, which made me really happy. The last episode gave us full on war as a result of the oppression, before wrapping up the series. Their happy ending intentionally handwaves the aftermath away, but I liked it anyway. Also they brought back the well in title and in deed, in pun and callback, ’till undeath.

This one isn’t art. But some of them are. And I’m trying to imagine that together they are – in the doing and the iteration and the scope. I’d like to believe that makes it safer to respond, than if it were merely a rant. I’d like to think that counts when you want to share art with me. But I haven’t quite got it right yet, obviously.


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