
Today went better. It was still plenty busy but I feel like I made progress on the accumulated stress level. Got help with my bug test 1error in the test, as expected, dealt with Melissa’s insurance 2i.e. paid for it again and pretended like talking to her about paying the bill or signing up for Medicaid would make her do anything and my utility bills 3which I apparently missed this month. Saw Shanda for 20 minutes 4because we scheduled ahead for a break, went to the office 5and got to ride with Shanda for a few minutes of public time. Got my bug tested and into review 6still need another ship-it but I’m close to done, closed 3 of 4 SRs 7though the last is by far the hardest, made my boss calmer 8both by getting the bug out and by acknowledging his anxiety. Did my harassment training 9and paused in the middle to lodge a complaint with the head of HR. The training is designed to be technically compliant with the law and to manage risk, but also to disclaim responsibility by asking individuals to do the duty of the organization by themselves. And of course with no regard for the victims, only the company. So I suggested better … Continue reading. Joined a gym after confirming ahead of time that E could join 10I have an email about how 17 was fine and how I’d need a court order if we didn’t have the right patriarcal relationship. Un-joined a gym 4 minutes later when they decided he couldn’t 11required proof of the patriarchal relationship despite this not really being a thing the state issues. In had considered faking up such a document anyway – I could just change the name on one of my CASA orders or somesuch. But E is hardly up for the lie (though maybe someday I’ll teach them) let alone fraud. I honestly didn’t … Continue reading. Had some food and a sugary drink while I talked to E 12mostly complained about insurance and food trauma, while he said nice things to me that most people are polite enough to not force me to notice instead of gyming. Went home, talked about Shanda’s feels for a second 13about how she did sharing and got lots of good feedback and other supportive interactions. About stress over an interaction yet to come, shared my interaction thus far with the high school contact from yesterday 14who needs a name, so let’s go with Cookiez. They continued to be real high on the compliments and low on sharing, but I’ve decided it’s not a hack account trying to sell me porn. Shanda thinks it might be a Church sale, but I only read religion and not Church. And I can deal with individual religion – given an engaged … Continue reading. Did some laundry 15Shanda has decided to clear her backlog at the rate of 10 minutes per day, so there are baskets to be had again, had 22 minutes of TV 16Miracle Workers from TBS maybe? It’s a show about how God is a dick and the people who work for Him need to take over to keep the world from ending, and also anxiety and making mistakes, and walked with Dog 17who was all over the place. While we were out I chatted with Shanda about her boss’s anxiety and how it’s nice to be able to see it as not about you but still hard to be the target of. This is a situation that comes up a lot that it’s easy to feel bad about – other people being anxious at you. Even deciding its about you … Continue reading. Promised to help Shanda with her earring 18She’s finally going back to normal earrings after some irritation and wants help with the first insertion. She’s been wearing a tapered gauging hoop with solid, ground ends. No sharp edges anywhere. If you ever have trouble getting jewelry in an irritated or undersized piercing, you want one (in your size obviously): … Continue reading but failed to do so. Played a couple of @BPS 19to help Shanda be less hard on herself, and to admire @BPS custom clothing and a couple of @AvE 20who had a family episode that made us happy and a voiceless process video as we went to bed. Did not get any wood dying done 21but feeling okay about it and did not close my backport bug 22and feeling a little worried about it. Did not take poop to the vet 23but have new plans for tomorrow. Didn’t collect any pictures or stories or think for even a minute about what to share 24hence this weird The Screed. Didn’t think about yesterday’s therapy 25though I did work a bit on my homework. But still, closer to swimming that yesterday. And maybe tomorrow 26robots tomorrow, which I’m excited to get back to, and hopefully see some people will be better still.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 error in the test, as expected
2 i.e. paid for it again and pretended like talking to her about paying the bill or signing up for Medicaid would make her do anything
3 which I apparently missed this month
4 because we scheduled ahead for a break
5 and got to ride with Shanda for a few minutes of public time
6 still need another ship-it but I’m close to done
7 though the last is by far the hardest
8 both by getting the bug out and by acknowledging his anxiety
9 and paused in the middle to lodge a complaint with the head of HR. The training is designed to be technically compliant with the law and to manage risk, but also to disclaim responsibility by asking individuals to do the duty of the organization by themselves. And of course with no regard for the victims, only the company. So I suggested better methods for reducing harassment and explained why the suggested ones were ineffective. In particular they demand that employees start a confrontation with the coworkers when they observe things that are against policy. Instead of, you know, acknowledging and assisting the victim and not starting a fight in the office. So I’m sure that will get me in trouble. I CC’d my boss so he’s probably right back to nervous, but at least he won’t feel so uncomfortable when is asked to chastise me about it later.
10 I have an email about how 17 was fine and how I’d need a court order if we didn’t have the right patriarcal relationship
11 required proof of the patriarchal relationship despite this not really being a thing the state issues. In had considered faking up such a document anyway – I could just change the name on one of my CASA orders or somesuch. But E is hardly up for the lie (though maybe someday I’ll teach them) let alone fraud. I honestly didn’t even consider it – laws that uphold oppression are meant to be broken. We recognize fake work permits and passports and papers as things that helped oppressed people in the past.
12 mostly complained about insurance and food trauma, while he said nice things to me that most people are polite enough to not force me to notice
13 about how she did sharing and got lots of good feedback and other supportive interactions. About stress over an interaction yet to come
14 who needs a name, so let’s go with Cookiez. They continued to be real high on the compliments and low on sharing, but I’ve decided it’s not a hack account trying to sell me porn. Shanda thinks it might be a Church sale, but I only read religion and not Church. And I can deal with individual religion – given an engaged subject sometimes I can save them, even against their will. I’ve done lots of religious arguing and I’m good at it – it’s how I negotiated the rules with Mother. She wasn’t religious but the authoritarianism appealed to her so she could be rules-lawyer’d in many circumstances. In any case CookieZ is offering genuine value so I’m not gonna argue about it, I’m gonna use it.
15 Shanda has decided to clear her backlog at the rate of 10 minutes per day, so there are baskets to be had again
16 Miracle Workers from TBS maybe? It’s a show about how God is a dick and the people who work for Him need to take over to keep the world from ending, and also anxiety and making mistakes
17 who was all over the place. While we were out I chatted with Shanda about her boss’s anxiety and how it’s nice to be able to see it as not about you but still hard to be the target of. This is a situation that comes up a lot that it’s easy to feel bad about – other people being anxious at you. Even deciding its about you sometimes. But it’s a thing I know how to deal with.
18 She’s finally going back to normal earrings after some irritation and wants help with the first insertion. She’s been wearing a tapered gauging hoop with solid, ground ends. No sharp edges anywhere. If you ever have trouble getting jewelry in an irritated or undersized piercing, you want one (in your size obviously): More generally that company has good metalwork, if a somewhat limited range of style, which can be a relief against the pretty consistently bad metalwork in most jewelry. I don’t understand why 2 seconds of grinding is too much to ask a hunk of metal I’m going to insert into my body.
19 to help Shanda be less hard on herself, and to admire @BPS custom clothing
20 who had a family episode that made us happy and a voiceless process video
21 but feeling okay about it
22 and feeling a little worried about it
23 but have new plans for tomorrow
24 hence this weird The Screed
25 though I did work a bit on my homework
26 robots tomorrow, which I’m excited to get back to, and hopefully see some people