
Watched @Simone Gertz. Not sure how they puts up with that giant safety pin in their ear – it’s adorable but obviously they’re not worried about it being ripped out like I am. I love the way they aren’t deterred merely by having no idea how to accomplish something and no intention to do any research.

I’m considering work on Wednesdays. Or I was until I thought about it and realized it would be my third day in the office this week. Most weeks. Sheesh. Here’s what I meant to think – I want to get the good food trucks aligned with my meetings. I was at the office Tuesday and didn’t have lunch, but the right food truck would have solved that. Perhaps a better recurring meeting schedule could be had.

Chatted with DerbyK about Melissa, and their own Melissa. About always being the bad guy just for existing while a Melissa is unhappy, and the way Melissas make their feelings and even actions someone else’s responsibility. It’s nice to not feel like I’m crazy about the topic. Their Melissa posses a difficult to address threat, one that makes me want to decry the concept of family and the assigned-role rules and isolation it entails. But that’s more a complaint than a support, and not even a new one at that.

Every time I listen to @Felicia Day’s podcast I want to remind her that 1) her podcast is about anxiety and she doesn’t need an additional topic* and 2) her mother was terrible in a particular way, and her own daughter won’t hate her the way she remembers hating her mother. Still hates her mother. I’m not sure @FD is ready to admit #2 yet, so it’s hard for her to have useful perspective.

Tried really hard to not work today. Had some help from the dev servers that wouldn’t let me connect for 3 hours. But I really do have to at least run some tests for the perf bug today. If I can just get setup before the dog class tonight I might have a chance.

Decided the job I want is one where I can better control the type of service I offer to people. One of the ways I prefer to express myself is through service, so I need to better control what sort of help I offer and who I offer it to. It’s one of the things I’ve liked better about other work I’ve done; one of the things I liked better about working for myself. Or at least that seems plausible when I look back. And it’s the same sort of thing I’ve been doing outside of work for years.

Dog had his first class today. He learned how to hump other dogs. Shanda was too anxious about 34% of the time, but she recovered once we got going. And she finally decided his command name will be Buddy, at literally the last minute, weeks after we got the dog. I died slightly on the way back up the hill, but we eventually all got home mostly intact. 

I did get my tests running before class and at least reproduced the slowness. That should be enough for my whiteboard update today, which will buy me another day to look at it. Though we are quickly approaching the problems I left for Thursday me.

I should try to gather a slightly better set of evidence before the debt lawyer meeting on Friday. Maybe I can take a first pass at that tonight while I try to stave off the bug nags. Or tomorrow while I try not to work while at the office.


*But she should continue to have Ryon on. Old school Co-optitude is the best thing G&S ever produced. This is even better because of the way she wants him to play along with her act that they’re normal people but he answers her fake interview questions earnestly. It makes her a little sad but I think in a way that might help.

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