
Finally killed the perf bug today. Someone filed a version of the same bug related to a non-functional change and didn’t cite perf tests, which is the thing I’ve been trying to prove for weeks. I got permission to dupe my bug to that one after some A/B tests. So I didn’t fix the thing that wasn’t my problem (or arguably even a problem at all), but I also I don’t have to worry about it anymore. When I quit this job I am going to be so excited to not finish all the things that have been assigned to me. I hope I can save up some good ones. In the mean time I’m gonna celebrate this intermediate victory with drugs, even on a weekday.

Got dog’s kangaroo food. It smells terrible but he doesn’t seem to mind. We’ll see how it impacts his allergies – hopefully he can stop having itchy ears and upset tummy in the next couple of days.

I’m thinking of getting my ears periced. I’m a big fan of earrings but I’m afraid they’ll be used as punishment handles, as all jewelry was when I was young. It’s the same reason I can’t wear a watch or a ring. But probably middle-aged, 6′, 350# me doesn’t have to worry about unexpected physical attacks as much anymore. Survival decisions I made in the 1900s feel hard to change but are definitely worth reexamination. And at the very least I could get the holes – they don’t become effective torture accessories until you add something stronger than skin to them.

I feel like I might be actually able to recover from my recent business this week. I’m no where near done yet but I finally feel like I’ll be able to get more things off the queue tomorrow than I expect to be added. Which would be nice because my dining room table can’t hold any more half-finished projects. And because I’ve needed a haircut for 2 weeks.

I was thinking a charity might be the answer I wanted in the form of a tax minimization strategy. If we collected $100k/year from a rich dude we could pay half of it to Ben to run the charity and half of it on other people we want to help. It’s a “small” amount so it’s not implausible, and it would means he could stop paying Ben (and hassling him for not being employed full-time). Mother could claim to be on the board so she can brag about being a good person and Ben can send marketing materials that let her feel like the colonialist she always wanted to be – like those terrible African Christian children orgs. I still have to figure out how to get the money started, but it’s a better plan than I’ve had thus far.


Sent from a phone.