
Watched Fast Girls (2012). You might guess from the poster that it’s an attempt to capitalize on the 2012 Olympics with a movie about young women doing sport in London. It definitely is. It came to us through the Dominique Tipper collection, and while her character exists only as the answer to question “there are 4 runners in a relay?!?” her majestic moused-up muskrat mane is amazing as always. The movie is only worth watching if you want to play the tropes*** – it executes them well in what Shanda deemed “a tight 90” before literally ending on a nationalism-background cast photo freeze-frame. It’s a shame though, that they didn’t find an interesting way to film a relay race in their movie about a relay race.

Broke my bedroom window today while attempting to open it. Now I have a 3’ x 4’ pane of broken glass unsteadily suspended just over my bed. The weather here makes the open window mostly irrelevant but I’m a little nervous about further breakage. And my landlord is as useful as ever “why don’t you leave a voicemail for the handyman that never calls you back and rarely completes even the work I directly assign him within 12 weeks”, he suggests, noting that he doesn’t know any “window people” in Seattle. But at least he thinks it’s a problem so I can probably get him to pay the bill from whoever I do hire, and it’s a single-pane track-frame window so repairs should be easy once I get someone here.

Refreshed my nails. It’s still a mess when I paint but I’m getting better at consistent, smooth application. I restrained myself to only 4** colors this time, but I think I’m gonna buy one of those 48-color sets so I can haz all the colors — I’m really liking having each finger be different. Shanda is convinced that owning even 12 colors is unbearably decadent for some childhood reason, but she’s pretty excited to have access to them and about my rainbow nails, so I think a big set will be fun for both of us.

Finally got a lawyer hired for the H debt, and got all the evidence he asked for to him, so hopefully the case can get cooking. We had to put up some cash up front but he seems fairly confident we can at least significantly offset the debt and his costs, if not come out ahead eventually. I don’t begrudge the landlord their rent but I’m pretty annoyed with the way the debt collector has dealt with us, and I’m always happy to enforce rules against people who make it their job to hurt people with rules.

Moved the needle on other projects too. Got a shelf up and fixed the motion sensor in the garage (or at least patched it until I get the new system spinning). Still a lot of things on the list (and the dining room table) but it’s moving again even with Shanda being out of commission, so hopefully I can get out from under it in the near future. It feels good to have the list be getting shorter again, after a few weeks where it was only getting longer despite my earnest intent to accomplish the tasks on it.

Brian called to confirm for D&D this morning, but I waived off because Shanda is still sick. I emailed him about that yesterday but he’s currently avoiding email so it didn’t take. Sounds like he might actually come next week though. I like our game but I’m always so ambivalent about him actually showing up on Sundays — it’s nice to have the day free, and to skip the part where I’m bored waiting for him but not sure when he’ll arrive or if I have time to do anything that would take more than 7 minutes. Or the part where he can’t leave without 22 minutes of warmup.

Today I bought 1 blue owl, 2 bottles of shampoo, 2.3 servings of foie gras, a 5.5” vat brush head, 6 hockey tickets, 8 pounds of fun-sized candy, and about 25 miles of passenger transport. Then I tried for several minutes to make some sort of numerical pun happen, or maybe “A fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff”, but all I got was a naively sorted list.

Dave chatted at me today. It didn’t work up into a conversation, but it’s still a thing, and I’m gonna decide it’s good.

We got a new lead for a dog — nice triangular chain. Our rope lead is generally nice but it has a retroreflective strip in it that puts plastic slivers into my hands. It doesn’t bother Shanda at all but it feels like velcro to me when it slides by. I like the chain. Shanda does too — she’s already considering how a similar chain might replace the strap on a top or dress*.

Next week is starting to feel a bit busy. Shanda is still sick, the dog won’t stop farting, my window is broken, Melissa needs pills, and I definitely don’t have time to complete all the tasks on my Q4 MBOs before the end of the week. But I’m off the queue, have no G bugs and only one SR, so with a little luck work will continue to be sane and I can keep making progress back toward a life where inside and outside are distinct physical locations and awake and asleep are distinct states of consciousness.

I stared at this list of things for two days now and it has never quite gelled into a whole of any kind. I think that’s not the writing’s fault though, I think that’s just my life. I’m not dying like I was last week but there’s still a lot happening, and I’m only half way back to having it under control.


*But she doesn’t want a mohawk.

**Two blues, a red, and purple. Always purple.

***And if you can put up with the leering inherent in a movie that includes the word “girl” in the title and a setting that includes spandex uniforms. This movie doesn’t ask the male romantic interest to sexually harass the lead, it lets the camera do the work for him. In truth it’s better than many movies would be in this setting, but it’s still pretty bad.