Sadly Temporary

Here’s my political analysis. It’s the same as last year’s. We should stop having presidents.

It’s worth a small cost to vote, because you can pick the branded flavor of your oppression, and because you can influence who you get to overthrow. But don’t expect it to matter. It never has. If it did you wouldn’t be allowed to do it.

Dog is more obviously dying again. His back legs are weak and he’s notably more tired. Sometimes that’s temporary, but I suspect he hasn’t got a lot of temporaries left even if this one is. It makes extra snuggly, which though it has a sad cause, is still a thing we can share and enjoy. His lack of coordination is also hilarious, if a bit dangerous, and he now expects me to throw him when he’s having trouble jumping by himself.

Recently he has taken to sleeping downstairs instead of near us. I think it part that’s because he’s gotten more comfortable here in the new house, and feels like he can keep close enough watch on us from downstairs. I think it’s also because he’s more taxed by stairs and less interested in general in moving. He still comes up to visit once in a while, but he goes back down to his dens before morning. He has lots of sleep planned after we get up and he wants to be pre-positioned for naps in the morning after we’re up.

He’s been doing well with the radio fence. He doesn’t yet respond to it correctly when it pokes him – he needs more training to actually turn around – but he feels safe walking the perimeter off-leash and knows how to put himself away when he’s done. He’s not going to make it long enough to bother with his own door – he still needs lots of encouragement to go out alone at this place – but I’m glad to see him free even for short periods.

I’m glad to see him want to get back. I like that he likes to be in the house even when I’m not there. It helps me feel like he actually likes his life of laying on the floor, and likes the place as more than where I make him be.


Sent from a phone.