Be Excellent to Each Other

Mostly naps and D&D today. Which is fine. The world is pretty high on physical threat today and I’m happy to hide from it. I wish I could hide from the smoke. My eyes feel like it’s 1998 and I live in a mold factory and I haven’t removed my contacts for 4 days.

The game went well. We started late and spent a lot of time worrying about how the rules should work, but we got into it eventually. Got to make actual character choices and mush the stats around a bit to fit the game model and RP goals. We got Shanda in top the game too, where she decided to be powered by rage. I think that will be good RP for you. I’ll try to antagonize you in game so you have lots of things to react angrily to.

@BPS is having some trouble living Mars. It has taken over their daily colors. That and some social interactions where fearful people pointed anger at them have been tough too. They feel they must resolve whatever doom is pending, because someone is yelling at them or because the sky itself is bleeding or because there is no ethical consumption under Capitalism. Which is a big responsibility.

I’ve got a bit of my own dread. I’ve attached it to the day job, but that’s really just a symbol for my survival fears. My anxiety sometimes tells me that I have to be invisible and compliant if I want to earn the right to survive. I see when yours does too, telling you that colored hair or following an insane noncompete are important for your ongoing material safety. So I want to keep my brain down closer to reality, where the dread is real but diffuse – not a barrier but an irritant – and work back toward a life where my total dread is low enough to avoid getting on my day job.

I think I know what my adaptive infrastructure project is going to be. And my excuse to buy a stupid big server sometime this century. I’m going to AI model all of the data points I collect from my home and teach it to track events that are relevant for computer awareness. Maybe to tell me about events it thinks are relevant even if I can’t identify them. It would start with things like locks and lights but eventually it will know lots of things from environmental sensors and other computers and cameras. I have ideas for custom, passive tracking equipment. I want to go full Person of Interest and feed or everything I know and let it decide what is important.

I also hope that’s an arts I can get @BPS interested in. I’d love to see their AD AI tied into a wider variety of data points, to bring more context to the indexer. I don’t know exactly what perspective that would offer, but I’d be interested to find out. I think they might be too.

Warched Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020) this weekend. On the small screen, but still good to find time for a movie. It’s definitely worthwhile, like the original. It doesn’t require you to know the 1989 film but it rewards you if you do. It’s construction is intentional – straightforward problem statement, action fit to a ticking clock, diverse musical numbers leading an improvised and effective (if not simple) solution to the original problem. It correctly lifts from Blues Brothers and Doctor Who to be earnest and absurd at the same time. It gives us a more femme, GenZ Keanu, which is fun to watch. And it decides to be about giving up control so you can have what you actually want. Other movies in this shape might decide to be about reliving the past this one chooses to be about recognizing your own limits and accepting a different role. Do watch. 1Not yet in Plex, since Plex is still in several seperate piles in my basement


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Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 Not yet in Plex, since Plex is still in several seperate piles in my basement