Targeted Motion

Today I spent literally hours being transferred back and forth trying to figure out why CenturyQwest did not install my Interwebs the day before. I never did get a reason but I eventually got someone to promise me that if I waited a week they would disappoint me again. Otherwise the new house side of things went well. Got a bed delivered and eventually wrangled up to the secret second story. Got junk haulers out to collect things the last occupant couldn’t say goodbye to and bagged up all the stuff they wouldn’t take 1I am 100% for the plan where we don’t put hazardous waste into the buried/burned/recycled trash stream. But I don’t like the plan where millions of individual households hoard them. We need a better delivery method than retail marketing, and a better disposal service for things that aren’t suitable for general trash streams.. Did some Hand Arts in the new place. It was a lot, but went well.

Shanda stayed home to supervise packing. It would have been impossible for you to leave, with all of your old feels and trauma about moving. The anxiety of having to give up things – losing them without notice – and the role moving played in your neglect. Right now you have two houses and complete control of all your things but still feel less safe. You did good noticing this hard time and responding to it, but it was still a lot of being triggered. I hope tomorrow can be more together.

Dog hung out with me today. He just sat around and watched me not get Internet access. Watched me sweat a lot too doing deconstruction and hauling jobs. We explored the bounds of unleashed freedom in this new space, including the porch outside the front door. And we shared some fast food because the advanced team brings water but expects local support for food. Otherwise it’s camping, and things aren’t dire enough to require camping. That’s Crazy Shanda talk.

I told my therapist I was moving, like in the present tense, which met with the expected surprise. I was happy to avoid most of the pamphleting I expected from them, and push through to things they won’t have stock answers to recite. If I were more on my game I’d have gotten there without the need for surprise but it has been a tough couple of weeks, with the travel and the moving. So medium success.

I never come back to these, if I stop in the middle of a thought and am too tired to continue. And not without cause – they are rarely good writing when I’m this busy. But they are still the process, even when they are not yet the art, so let’s give it a shot.

Actual moving day went okay. Shanda couldn’t sit still while the movers loaded but did much better in the afternoon with unloading. It was a long day though, and you went into it burnt out, so it was still a lot. In the immediate future we need some days with more together and less nervous doing.

After learning that CQ would not be installing my Interwebs until next week I though I’d call CableCom to transfer my service. They told me I needed a new 12 month contract, but that isn’t for me. Luckily their netops is more competent than sales and it the same setup just works when you plug it in anywhere on the network. They literally needed to do nothing but wanted to lock me into a new contract. So they can fuck off and not get a forwarding address.

We are now moved, or at least all our stuff is here. The kitchen and bedroom are more or less unpacked. I’ve installed environmental life safety devices. We made a sweep of the old place and deinstalled everything there. Tomorrow we should have all the junk out of the old place. There’s still cleaning but just hiring someone. As usual the landlord is being a dick, so I’m sure I’ll have to hassle with them several more times – among other things they’re whinging about the lawn 2They always whine about the yard but literally have no opinion when I ask what they want to be different. Not 6 weeks ago they told me they would be hiring a yard service, which seemed reasonable given their intent to sell the place. But now it’s my job again, after they discovered it wouldn’t be free. I’m not going to pay for their sales … Continue reading again. I’m so happy that he responded so strongly to our garage door 3They’re demanding I remove the garage door text before the end of our rental period. They were clearly anxious and felt out of control and I love it. I promised to move it to a removable surface instead of the landlord’s garage door. We just have a fun relationship like that., and feels intimidated by us. It not only makes this situation easier to tolerate emotionally it also improves my negotiating position.

I’m gonna officially take a couple of days off the day job, now that I’m off the queue. I was still down in overall case count since last week even with the move, and they will keep another few days, and I need to the down time. Life has been a lot even with limited work.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 I am 100% for the plan where we don’t put hazardous waste into the buried/burned/recycled trash stream. But I don’t like the plan where millions of individual households hoard them. We need a better delivery method than retail marketing, and a better disposal service for things that aren’t suitable for general trash streams.
2 They always whine about the yard but literally have no opinion when I ask what they want to be different. Not 6 weeks ago they told me they would be hiring a yard service, which seemed reasonable given their intent to sell the place. But now it’s my job again, after they discovered it wouldn’t be free. I’m not going to pay for their sales prep though, particularly after they promised to do it themselves, so I’ll be sure get a service that technically meets my contractual obligations without making it look good.
3 They’re demanding I remove the garage door text before the end of our rental period. They were clearly anxious and felt out of control and I love it. I promised to move it to a removable surface instead of the landlord’s garage door. We just have a fun relationship like that.