That is not a hair question

I love Killjoys because it gives me this from imagined-daddy-as-internal-critic: “Could I really have convinced you to kill all those people if you were a normal child with normal feelings? Didn’t you ever wonder why you always said yes?”

I know some of you worry about being a normal child with normal feelings. I was lucky enough to imagine that my feelings were perfectly normal, if incompatible with real humans like all other aspects of my life. But the general sentiment applies – the idea that the pain in your life is merely the rational outcome of your flawed existence.

Did many day job things today, but not what I had scheduled. I want to knock off some SR work but it just wasn’t the highest priority today. I had to chase down some environmental bug with the AV scan – because when you release a signed Linux ISO obviously a Windows AV scan of filesystem is super useful – which took forever. But I also got through the LyP RN filter, updated the policy tool to output things I can copy-paste into release checklists, mostly completed one such checklist, advanced the plot on ADA things, took meetings, made IT stop bothering me about the browsers I use for testing, and fixed an OpenSSH bug. Tomorrow is an early meeting, a couple of smaller product checklists, and maybe SR work in the afternoon. Hopefully no new emergencies tomorrow.

Shanda tried to shove a complicated hair plan 1Last week I did this to Shanda’s hair during HA4H [fig 1] and also bleached my head and eyebrows. There’s a plan for adding color back to mine, in a non-trivial design, but I don’t think we’ll get to it before the weekend. into an already busy week. It didn’t go as you had scheduled, but we did get to talk about the design, and about how it would take a minute. It has been difficult to convince you that you’re overbooked this week, despite obvious evidence. But we accomplished other good things. We helped C with their physics work, with only a couple of rage quits along the way, and you made supper during one of them. We worked on your plan for less painful writing, and on the one for being okay with being angry. I also spent some time helping HT with one of their code projects, got them to publish to a repo so we can work together, and got myself to publish my Arduino work.

Tomorrow I think you’re out, so maybe I can work on the robots gamepad plan. There should be existing software that gets me close, but there are lots of fabrication details and testing. I failed to bring home quite the right pieces to do a full workup but I should be able to fake it enough to get ready for Friday. Or baring that maybe a minute on the ZSD project, which is still making good progress but hasn’t had my direct attention since everyone got sick.

Missed a soccer game this weekend, through no fault of my own, couldn’t make a call work despite interactive scheduling, and took sort of a beating about other people’s accumulated sad and guilt on Sunday. I neglected a birthday, am still trying to arrange a notebook, and haven’t even brought up the accommodation of plates recently despite its age.

But I also got a note that said you believed I could help with an upcoming hard time, and that makes the rest a lot easier to take. It means a lot to me that you think I can be useful, because my brain defaults to assuming that you’d prefer I stay further away.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 Last week I did this to Shanda’s hair during HA4H [fig 1] and also bleached my head and eyebrows. There’s a plan for adding color back to mine, in a non-trivial design, but I don’t think we’ll get to it before the weekend.