Down Diggity Dog

Shanda has been sort of sick for a while and extra sick on Sunday. It’s mostly better now but it has been a lot, and it’s still a little. You had to miss D&D on Sunday, which is unfortunate, but we jaggered you around and used you to lie to children and guards and dogs. There are lots of opportunities for that sort of thing in C’s new system.

Dog is down too. He had been having some lameness in his front legs, but it has gotten much worse this past week and now he is standing on one leg and reluctant to climb up and down. We’ve got him signed up for physical therapy but he get in for like 6 weeks. He should get somewhat better in the mean time if we lock him inside, but he won’t be happy about not getting long walks. He’ll be restless and bored and in pain and so presumably cranky. Maybe we can get him a wagon or something so I can drag him to the park and let him snuffle someplace more than 100′ from our house.

Work this week has been mostly fine. I have only been up for a medium amount, but enough to keep up with deadline work. I’m still deferring the krb SR but I’m good on releases and the BZ project for the week, and I have only picked up a handful of new SRs, so next week should be okay too.

Had a good HA4H today. We did hair arts here. I bleached my hair and eyebrows, painted a some shapes onto Shanda’s undercut and them trimmed them into her stubble. Both went well. We’ll get pictures in the near future. I’m not sure what colors I want my hair to be yet. I imagine it’s more than one. My brows in particular feel like they should be a couple of colors. I’d take suggestions.

Went to an improv show for C’s wife. Which you would generally expect to be terrible, because almost all improv is terrible and amateur improv isn’t better. It was tolerable though. The show opened with the host trying to single me out for participation and then not liking how I participated, which helped. It also got us over to Fremont so we got to have some like night Tzar dumplings.

Added some new modes to the pendant, in anticipation of delivery this weekend. I’ve been liking the CircuitPython environment but the chip on the Gemma M0 is very limiting – I spent a lot of time making my code worse to make it slightly smaller. It’s like programming in 1987, but in python. I like how it turned out though, once I got the tech dial in. I tuned the startbusrt and added modes for a blue twinkle – which will be the new default – and a full white mode. Tomorrow I’ll try to slap in a spin-chase and we I think that will be done. I’ll have to get videos before I give it away, as I didn’t build any hardware for myself.

Robots tomorrow, in spite of the viral death. All the big companies here have decided that rich employees can stay home, but schools and other jobs that imagine “supervison” as one of their goals are still running. So I and thousands of others with health insurance are work from home until April, but young people are still in class, under threat of jail time if they stay home. So I’m still doing meetings for as long as any of the team wants to show up.


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