Drunk Dilettante Denies Dastardly Deeds, Demands Due Diligence

Went to a wedding today where I was invited to scare old people. It was pretty good. Got medium drunk and hung out with the staff, who complained about all weddings being identical and boring. Both photographers talked to Shanda about her head colors and asked if I did face painting. They clearly haven’t seen my crayon work.

Shanda felt really good about being able to do an event with me. We did a city do last weekend and a wedding this weekend and you liked both. The common factor is either that you’ve found a way to help keep me on your side when we’re out, or that there was drinking. Or maybe both. But it’s been good, this thing where you imagine it’s possible to be calm and have a good time when I’m around. To feel like we’re doing a thing together. I am often the coolest person around and it was nice when I have a wingman who could hold their own. We even mostly got ready together, instead of the version where it’s totally seperate and there’s no way for me to do it right.

Watched On the Basis of Sex (2018) today. The text is on point for its oppression perspective, and the film is quite good overall. More marching band than I expected in a film about appellate court. M mentioned before that this movie is rendered less powerful by casting a very attractive person as RBG and I think that’s accurate – it’s a problem for a lot of movies (not to mention culture at large) but it’s worse for this one about the individual persuasion of a tiny Jewish woman. More to come when I’m up for a full analysis.


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