Wilderness Waylaid

I had planned to write about the LI I did in therapy on Wednesday. I framed it in terms of oppression which in my mind is somehow about keeping middle-aged men in the wilderness alive against their will. I’ll tell a story where that makes sense, to the extent that the weird lives of 1%ers can ever make sense.

But life is complicated and instead of writing Shanda and I fought about the way I care about mixed feels and how it’s hard to have safe boundaries when thinking about them feels like a violation and everything is tied up in old survival feels.

I had good times today about HA4H things, made progress with Ben’s staff, slept late enough to feel good, went to the gym, had two real meals, and only did a tiny amount of day job (but am happy about it). I didn’t get to calling CC about insurance for the second time, but I did deal with my own insurance and got my BZ project submitted and cleaned up my fingernails. Talked about beauty and love in a way other people like but doesn’t quite result in connection. Picked up tomorrow on the queue but since I’m on next week that shouldn’t be a big deal and will buy me some future flexibility. Got some feedback from DerbyK about the ways I’d like to be a better toddler and tried to reassure several of you that you were good 10-year-olds. Still waiting on feedback about how to make some logistical parts of my life work, but I’m gonna give it another day or two so I can feel better about the next part where I might have to give up on more space as a viable strategy.

Until I have time to actually write, here’s a dog chin and a burrito and a Caleb and a new ordinal arrangement of my shirts – one that Shanda picked in our exploration of the linear encodings of multidimensional color.


Sent from a phone.