
I accomplished lots of things today, but didn’t do writing. Got real baked with Shanda and practiced cooking 1I want to make a baked-baking pune here but can’t be bothered to implement one. . We even did some together, which has never been our style. I learned that none of the normal food I own requires social negotiation to become available to me, but still don’t really believe it. There are lots of places in my life where what I wanted literally didn’t matter, and it sucks that food is one of them. But I got day job done and laundry and floors and cooker twice and imagined that I need accommodation to deal with my disability, and to help you with yours.

That’s literally what my annual review says – is that I worked hard enough to not get noticed in any negative way, and that my boss had sympathy for the way work wasn’t always a priority for me. Which is great I guess, given the outcomes capitalism makes available, but sort of a shitty thing for people to see happening and just not care about beyond writing it down. Oppression requires willful ignorance and repressed empathy. It’s why you don’t think it’s okay to be angry. And a sure sign you should be.


Sent from a phone.

Stars for Later

Stars for Later
1 I want to make a baked-baking pune here but can’t be bothered to implement one.