• Re: Mom’s house

    This is what I hope will be my last communication with the landlord. And it’s too late for more writing so it’s also today’s Screed. I didn’t send him the attached picture, but I’m sure he’ll discover it soon enough. He didn’t like the last garage message and I bet he’ll like this one even less. He particularly won’t like that I added all 3 garage messages images to Google Maps. I didn’t mean the account changes as notice specifically, but yes, we are out. All our property has been removed, the door is repainted to just green, the interior doors are in their original configuration, and the yard and…

  • Liberalization of Momentum

    These are always so hard for me to start again once I get more than a couple of days deep. But let’s give it a shot. The second one will be easier after this one gets out. Since last episode I finished moving. Or at least all the parts that involve people and places outside my new house – there’s still a ton of work to do here, but we’ve got all the totes and boxes unpacked and all the bits we need setup for daily life. I am already sick of not having good lights here, and of being subject to daily sunshine from all the poorly covered windows,…

  • Targeted Motion

    Today I spent literally hours being transferred back and forth trying to figure out why CenturyQwest did not install my Interwebs the day before. I never did get a reason but I eventually got someone to promise me that if I waited a week they would disappoint me again. Otherwise the new house side of things went well. Got a bed delivered and eventually wrangled up to the secret second story. Got junk haulers out to collect things the last occupant couldn’t say goodbye to and bagged up all the stuff they wouldn’t take 1I am 100% for the plan where we don’t put hazardous waste into the buried/burned/recycled trash…

  • Irrational Attachment

    This is from last week. I didn’t think it was a Screed when I sent it, but it’s good writing and I want to give you the feels. It’s also a callback to the early days, when this channel was mostly things I wrote to a specific “you” and only later decided to share. — It’s easy for people from our neighborhood to feel like the thing they need to be secure is some sort of proof that the good relationships they have now will last forever unchanged. Which is some ways is very reasonable, and not a lot different than the way that people from other places build their…