• 2 Days

    Curfew is the legal process by which we make police terrorism lawful. It declares a Purge period, in which the police will not be held accountable for violence against the public. In the hours leading up to a curfew we see the police not afraid but determined, standing in view of the people the instead to hurt, gearing up for the “lawful” activity they will undertake once the clock and a corrupt hierarchy makes it consequence free. Curfews are not issued to protect us, there are issued to justify police violence. Which we can see in Seattle, where police riots stopped when the city lifted the curfew. We didn’t lift…

  • Reactive Patterns

    I intend to write about the protests but it’s been a lot, and I’m still in the middle of it. Teaching Shanda to feel safe (enough) in a riot, making trouble at the office about our racism, watching Dog start to limp again even on drugs, the end of the Long Dark and all the associated activity. But I will write about it, when I have an inch of perspective. For now just know that I’m angry, and you should be too. The protests are supposed to help you engage with that anger. Be sure you use them to point it in the right direction. No one is protesting your…

  • Wellness Check

    I hope all of you are doing okay with the civil unrest. You should check in with me about it. It feels like relief to me, to see the world notice its own suffering, but even from here it can be intense. Give yourself as much space as you need to deal with it. It’s traumatic, even from a distance. If you’re feeling afraid, perhaps I could help you do something that would make you feel more in control. I’d suggest taking advantage of the public anger and using it to feel more powerful. But there are lots of options. You know I can help you feel safe, but you’ll…