• Wicked Wings

    Busy today with last day robots. Things went well though, and I was home before 9. Didn’t have to do much and no one was excessively anxious. I did have to drive but that also let me bring chicken nuggets, which is always a plus. I had hoped to get some more helium today but there was none readily available and I wasn’t interested in hauling filled balloons around town, so I’m sticking with the single one I’ve got. But the wings and bits all came together okay. It could use another round of integration to get better colors, better wearablility, and adaptability for future shirts. But I’m pretty happy…

  • Handpicked Hematite

    Was in calls all afternoon, but for things I actually like. M and DerbyK and HA4H kept me busy from 1:30 until 6. I have lots of feels about them all but I’m not up for writing all that tonight. For now it’s enough to say that it made me week, as is usually the case. All of you said things that made me proud and happy. Got the pendant assembled and potted during HA4H. There’s a little software left to do – the part where it’s hard for me to avoid thinking of the project as visual art, which is uncomfortable for me. We all did video today so…

  • #ScrippsIsAVeryGoodCompany

    Did my MBOs on time, closed the most urgent SR, closed the Keyczar nonsense, closed the active FTP tantrum. Didn’t get anything else done at the day job, but that was good progress. If I can close another SR or two tomorrow that should be sufficient for the week. Got some cape enhancements done. The back is split now to let me actually move my arms in it, I added the closure chain back, and there are v0.4 wings [vid 1]. Tomorrow is balloon design; I’ve got a couple good ideas, depending on what I can make (literally) fly. I let my therapist in on a heist today and they…

  • Keyczar Khaos

    Back to the day job on Monday. Which was mostly okay. Things are in a bit of disarray after mandatory time off. I’m still holding a half dozens SRs that are now a month old. But I’ve made all the meetings I expected to the last couple of days, and only had one piece of deadline work due thus far, so it’s going. It was a busy day though, and everything was behind. I didn’t get out of the office until almost 4, which makes robots pretty late. It also means I didn’t get a chance for food. I raided the Starburst stash 1They keep several candy stashes we’ll-stocked, even…

  • 2-Fold Symmetry

    Got taping done today, after months of not being able to get started. We couldn’t quite talk about why it was so hard at other times – anxiety was still pretty high – but it got done and that was great. Step next is some plastic for the floor and a line around the celing, which is less work than we did today. More Rimworld. I played enough to get good again, ran a new world where I did really well. Played that save until it started throwing space insects with lasers at me. There has to be some way to trick raiders or visitors into attacking the space bugs…

  • Well-Formed, Fully-Qualified, Uniform Resource Locator

    Played Rimworld today. It’s still difficult for me to imagine that I want to play games for myself. But today I had the right sort of anxiety to want to manage a survival sim, so I poured it into my pawns. I learned new things and blinked enough so it was a good time. Worked on TV maintenance today for the fist time on a long while. I used to imagine archival as a thing I liked doing, but I lost that somewhere. I did work to give up motivations about hoarding and fleeing, but apparently not enough work to be able to like it without those bits. We’ll have…

  • Purple Eyebrows

    It was a long day today, particularly for a day off. I left the house before 10 and didn’t have a minute to myself until 10 at night. Met with my old boss, rode a lot of buses 1got narc’d at by Ben while on one of them, went to the gym, did hand art, played D&D. I had intended to be home between some of those things, maybe even make a call, but the closest I got was meeting Shanda at a bus stop in Magnolia. I’ve been not writing a couple of important things – a GoFundMe and a story I’ve finally built for my early life. I…

  • Lingering Lemon Lipstick

    Did 13 minutes of day job today, contrary to company policy. But it’s good for my numbers, as well as my fells about going back to work next week. Made plans to meet an old boss this Thursday and see if they have ideas about how this day job use me less painfully, or about how to insert myself into alternative markets where that might be possible. I’ve never talked to an old boss before. I don’t really keep things. Talked about the social rigors of new jobs – or current ones – in therapy today. One of the ways day jobs are hard for me is that even “safe”…