• Just One

    Watched Euphoria today. It’s so sad and beautiful. Watch a stage play of A Very Die Hard Christmas, which was a fun Die Hard. In this one femme Alan Rickman spoke with a British accent and said tickity-boo. Glued a LEGO to my thumb and started having nail feels. Went to the physician about Shanda’s broke toe. Saw some arts from M. Did some dragon arts in the yard. Ate 3 meals. Got a haircut. Trimmed my beard. Took care of Shanda. Wrote a couple of small love stories and a note about how someone could help me provide care. Advanced the plot on L activities. Demanded a new thing…

  • Accute Double Entry Accounting

    Skipped most of the day job today, or at least the parts that seemed hard. Got through my deadline work late in the day and checked the noon meeting but otherwise did nothing. Which was a good call. That 8 AM interview would have made me unhappy all day, and this was better. Poked at budget and other planning today with Shanda. That was a lot of work and panic and other feels. Which was the point – to move an inch out of the current avoidance. I spent 20 years trying to make budget easy enough to make the panic stop but that’s never going to work. The feels…

  • Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Minutes?

    Slept half the day. Which was on purpose, but did make me miss one of this week’s interviews, and that was not on purpose. I should have skipped Tuesday’s though, because it’s at 8 AM, which is more than 2 hours before my usual day job availability. Got caught up in other work business today and had a hard time getting away from it. But if I can get through to tomorrow morning I think I can clear up the rest of the week. Went to robots and had a decent time. E stopped by, which was nice – it’s been a long time since we talked. Worked on PID…

  • TODO: The Cool Bit

    I’m still not writing today. Except I don’t know what to do with myself if I’m not writing today, so there’s still a little leaking out. Got some work done on dragon phase 2 today. I’m short on supplies which will be a small logistics hassle, but it has gone well so far, other than a dodgy fan. Heard from M about their own art and the challenges thereof. It sounds tricky but also like you were able to take a step back and find a new approach. Which inspired me to propose a different approach of my own, for a thing that we have shared. Back to work tomorrow,…

  • In Case I Don’t See You

    The hope I have for bleaching my buzz cut [fig 1-2], and the reality of what it will actually do [fig 3-4]. But I’m gonna do it anyway. It will help me feel different about having hair. And hopefully will let me make it a color that stays mostly attached, which sounds fun. I’m doing not writing this weekend. I did robot coding and am excited about new framework bits. We watched The Truman Show (1998) which I liked more than I remembered and I’m anxious to write it up. Did some recovery from yesterday. Things are fine but feelings are raw from the accumulated stress of the week and…