• Wednesday

    I was considering the ever-evolving dynamics of Zach-Shanda relations, specifically the kind and amount of attention we pay each other, and how invisible my emotions can be to her. Which eventually revealed to me something I am misunderstanding – my threshold for when I feel like my emotions are overwhelming my behavior is when someone carefully observing me might be able to see my actual emotional state and not the one I choose to display as part of my intentional communication, should I consciously choose to have them differ. Which is technically correct. That’s the point at which my emotions overcome my conscious will and change what I am doing…

  • Tuesday

    Brought my laptop in for the keyboard issue. I get a free replacement but it takes 5 days. I’m gonna have them do the battery too while it’s in, and then it might be in good enough shape to give away when I replace it. KTuck has my last machine and might want this one as his replacement. Mostly didn’t work today. I’m gonna see about the bug workflow presentation tonight (on Shanda’s machine I guess, for fear my desktop will burst into flames) but otherwise I only did email. It gives the appearance of work without the need to actually do any. Chicken and rice tonight. One of my…

  • Monday

    Hot dogs today. I am a big fan of good chilli dogs and real sugar root beer. Sometimes Diggity Dog will deliver one to me. I intend to make today one of those days. Watched MindGamers (2015). Bought it because it had Dominique Tipper in it. The movie is high on style but that’s about it. There’s too much bad science exposition for things that don’t go anywhere, like someone trying to yell their philosophy but as technobabble. But it’s not terrible or overly long, and it does like it’s music and crane shots. Dominique’s hair was terrible though – she had front bangs and side bangs and all three…

  • Sunday

    I was thinking about how I don’t like writing. Or at least how I feel like I won’t like it. Certainly there are many kinds of writing I hate. I’m super glad I tested out of composition classes in undergrad, both now and at the time. And writing formal research papers can make me hate life. But I wrote at total of 1600 words yesterday to 3 different people* and was reasonably happy with all of it, and glad to spend part of my day doing it. So clearly I’m wrong. I’ll have to imagine it differently. Watched Dr. Strange (2016). Not bad for a tired superhero film. It suffers…

  • Saturday

    Shanda slept super late today. Late enough that I did morning dog. But she seems to be doing better today. Less body pain, and a better mood to match. Got projects done, took the dog for an early walk, even opened the mail (which she almost never does). I hope that bodes well for the weekend. Talked to M again for a minute. Then sent 200 questions via email because I can’t stop talking but don’t want to bother them. Dave talked at me too, several times even, but not interactively. He doesn’t get 200 questions because I don’t even know enough to guess what to ask. And I already…