• Tuesday

    Finally killed the perf bug today. Someone filed a version of the same bug related to a non-functional change and didn’t cite perf tests, which is the thing I’ve been trying to prove for weeks. I got permission to dupe my bug to that one after some A/B tests. So I didn’t fix the thing that wasn’t my problem (or arguably even a problem at all), but I also I don’t have to worry about it anymore. When I quit this job I am going to be so excited to not finish all the things that have been assigned to me. I hope I can save up some good ones.…

  • Monday

    Didn’t make my noon meeting. Decided to stay home and do my nails instead [fig 1]. I’m still not any good at it but I at least didn’t hurt myself today. I could have called in and done both but I wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m working. I still have to get in this afternoon for my 1-on-1 but not until 2:30, and then I’m busing right back north to robots. Got a taco today. By design I don’t have any information about why I sometimes get them and sometimes don’t so I try not to speculate, but I’m always happy to have one at the top of my…

  • Sunday

    Invited Brian for an off-week game but he didn’t respond. So he’s probably still feeling bad. We invited him again next week. But it’s always nice it have my Sunday back. I’ve identified the cause of my outsized reaction to S’s agism – it’s that I don’t think of him as a parent* and don’t want to, but he would take that label**. When I’m reminded of that fact it makes me resent him a little. I should probably do something about that. Like explain to him how I’m a crazy person that’s against the concept of patriarchal family. And maybe try to imagine him more accurately. Talked with DerbyK…

  • Thriturday

    Chicken truck today. I went early when there was no line, but it turns out that means you have to talk to the clerk for a while before you can order. Like @DOB I would pay extra for the no talking version of any service. But I did learn that rubberized spray-on bedliner is available in metallic colors after only a couple of rounds of defending my apparently subversive nails. Actually worked on the perf bug today. It looks like the test that was accepted-as-failed before my work was already causing a swap condition, so my stuff never had a chance. Hopefully I can find a workaround for that issue…

  • Wednesday

    Watched @Simone Gertz. Not sure how they puts up with that giant safety pin in their ear – it’s adorable but obviously they’re not worried about it being ripped out like I am. I love the way they aren’t deterred merely by having no idea how to accomplish something and no intention to do any research. I’m considering work on Wednesdays. Or I was until I thought about it and realized it would be my third day in the office this week. Most weeks. Sheesh. Here’s what I meant to think – I want to get the good food trucks aligned with my meetings. I was at the office Tuesday…

  • Tuesday

    Morning meetings. They get me to work early, but sometimes they make it hard to get the day’s work done. No real progress on the perf bug even though I was in the office for 4 hours already. I picked up a new F bug; should be easy to dispatch but it’s still a distraction from what I am I theory supposed to be doing as my #1 priority. I did knock out an SR today though, so Thursday me might have a slightly easier time. Since yesterday I’ve been thinking about my own exercises in patience. Not so much in what I should do about them (though I’m always…

  • Monday

    Accomplished work. Even the noon meeting. In person. Didn’t get ahead on anything but at least kept up with the new bits, and got through all of the approvals for later this week. Still stalled out on perf bug diagnosis, but I got a test environment up so maybe I can actually work on it tomorrow. Of course I’ve been outright ignoring SRs for a week so I’ll have to hit those sometime, but that’s a problem for Thursday me. Still feeling a bit crap; almost hypoxic, like when I’ve got chronic lung nonsense happening. But it’s not that – I’m mostly cured since I made the changes that brought…

  • Satnday

    While I was at robots Shanda told me. “Rev misses you a lot. He’s never been this sad.” To which I replied “That seems unlikely. He was abandoned after 12 years in the same home.” She of course meant “About you leaving” not in his entire life. But it’s my role in every relationship to remind people how much more bleak the world is when I’m around to imagine it. The cure for hope, Dave tells me. My laptop is back today. I don’t understand why they shipped it back to the store instead of to my home – I don’t want to make a trip across town just to…

  • Friday

    Feeling like crap today and I’m too tired too. I’d love to wave off but there are too many things that require my personal and immediate attention. Just another 9 hours or so before I can collapse. Maybe I can skip my day job to take a nap between meetings. Lawyer call didn’t happen. He didn’t pick up or call back after several attempts. I’m a little glad to not have to deal with it today but also annoyed that I’ll have to deal with it again later, and that I got up and skipped other things to try to do it this morning. And then it did happen, literally…

  • Thursday

    Shanda called the asterisks I use as footnote symbols “stars for later”. I imagine them more as inline text with an aside context, but the name is pretty adorable. Got the S bug refilled as a config issue for someone else and asked the tester to reverify* using CLI config only. Should finally get that one off my plate for good. I got the test scheduled for the MN bug to square that away. I was going to sign off for Q but it turns out I don’t I know to find bugs for Q so I can’t run any reports. But that’s a good enough reason to be done…